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Quilters Guild of Indianapolis
South Meeting
Rosedale Hills Methodist Church
4450 South Keystone Ave., Indianapolis
Southside Quilters Guild of Indianapolis meets 4th Thursday of the month
from 10:00 am to 12:00pm
Greeting & Refreshments start at 9:00am
Upcoming Meetings

February 24, 2023
Connie Lancaster - Rut versus Routine
Rut versus Routine. This program with Connie, will be a pep talk where we get out of the doldrums of a creative slump and learn how to use the routines of piecing and quilting to help. Connie is a very accomplished speaker who will educate and entertain us.
Connie is the owner of Quilts Plus located in Lebanon, Indiana. She is a QGI member and a past president of QGI.
Bring show and tell to share at the meeting.
Leanne Anderson & Karen Nealis
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